Project 4 is here
#RevolutionaryFriday4 #TRWBT
Le sentiment de tempête que provoque une Révolution est très difficile à décrire, seuls ceux qui le vivent peuvent réellement percevoir, avec l'oeil du cyclone. J'ai voulu retransmettre, comme un journaliste, acteur et spectateur de son destin, les dernières nouvelles du front, ce front mouvant comme un sable, vivant et qui au final ne se fige jamais.
#RevolutionaryFriday3 #TRWBT
#RevolutionaryFriday2 #TRWBT
#RevolutionaryFriday1 #TRWBT
#RevolutionaryFridays #TRWBT
Chers Amis,
Donc à partir de ce vendredi 16 Décembre, et jusqu'au 14 Janvier 2012, vous allez recevoir chaque vendredi un nouveau son, en direct de la bête. Pour nous suivre :
@SoulSoundProd, suivez hashtag #RevolutionaryFridays #TRWBT /
Dear Friends,
I know it's been a while since my last updates, but as you may already know, my country has been through a lot of changes and so did I. My artistic projects have been rescheduled, along with my priorities. Going through the storm of a revolution can distort reality, aspects of life and dealing with the others surrounding you. I have been through all these events, the crowd, the hopes, the delusions, the struggle, the vox populi, the police harassment, the street occupation, the media, the facts, the fails, the battle wins, the battle cries, the tears, the fears, the writings, the sayings, the peace and the war. Since January 14, 2011,
In order to let it all out of my guts, I decided to release an EP #TRWBT (The Revolution Won't be Televised), because Gil was damn right. It's never televised, it's not in your history books, not in your news network, it's in you just like an alien you've been carrying all along without knowing.
Starting from this Friday December 16th, and till 14th January 2012, you'll be getting every Friday a new track, brought to you live out of the beast. Follow me on :
@SoulSoundProd, follow hashtag #RevolutionaryFridays #TRWBT /